We are proud to announce for next spring 2013 the new CD release “9 Guitarras” by Amir John Haddad “El Amir”.
An innovative album concept where he plays on each composition a different guitar build by Spain’s most recognized guitar builders. It is a tribute to the flamenco guitar and all the guitar builders.
Nine compositions give the album its name. For every tune Amir chose very carefully the most appropriate guitar to have the right sound for each “palo flamenco” (flamenco style).
In this album we can find different styles such as: Rumba, Alegrías, Bulerías, Farruca, Tangos, Minera, Colombiana etc.

This album counts with excellent featuring artists:

Maria Carmona (Antonio Canales, Joaquín Cortés) vocals
Peter Oteo (Jackson Browne, Luz Casal) bass
Josemi Garzón (Estrella Morente, Carmen Linares ) bass
Raul Márquez (Gerardo Núñez, Diego “El Cigala”) violin
Aleix Tobías (Coetus, Eliseo Parra) percussion
Pablo Martin Jones (La Shica, Eliseo Parra) percussion
Jesús Mañeru (Candelaria, Nua Trio) percussion
Kike Terrón (Carmen Linares, Juan Moneo “El Torta”) percussion
Joaquín Ruiz (one of Spain’s most important dance maestros) flamenco steps

All guitars on this album were kindly given by Johannes Inhoffen from Mundo Flamenco in Germany as well as he is the executive producer of this new project.
In “9 Guitarras” Amir John Haddad shows his broad vision on flamenco. His technical skills, knowledge and musical maturity allow him to introduce other instruments like Greek bouzouki and Arabic oud and enrich the flamenco guitar sound without losing the strong character and soul of this art form.
Soon album release date will be posted!